Vice Chancellor’s Speech Presented during Orientation of Freshmen 2018

Sailing Or Drifting Through School


Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academics and Students Affairs; Deputy Vice Chancellor, Administration, Finance and Development; Deputy Vice Chancellor, Planning, Partnerships, Research and Innovations; Deans of Faculties and Schools; Directors of Various Units; Chairmen of departments; Heads of departments and Coordinators of Units; Staff Students and you, our very special guests the Freshmen 2018.


We have assembled here to celebrate an extraordinary event. That of inducting you into the world of academia. This is because you embody the future. You are the people that Kenya and indeed the rest of the world has hope. It is therefore a special day.  Moreover, like Hemingway wrote in his favorite book: “Today is only one day in all the days that will ever be. But what will happen in all the other days that ever come can depend on what you do today”. That is why speaking to a special group like you on a day like this is always a precious and singular honor for me.


First, I wish to congratulate you on passing your KCSE 2017 examinations and for being among only 63.000 who qualified to join the Public Universities from 615,773 candidates. You excelled in your examinations and earned a coveted place at Kibabii University.

Secondly, I wish to welcome you to Kibabii University. A young but promising institution of higher learning. The only University where the Chancellor is the President of the Republic of Kenya.  The University is founded on 6 values. It aspires to produce scholars who embody Excellence, Accountability and Transparency, Social responsibility, Innovation, and are of Integrity while utilizing their Academic freedom in performing their duties.


Vice Chancellor’s Speech Presented during Orientation of Freshmen 2018

Vice Chancellor’s Speech Presented during Orientation of Freshmen 2018

Vice Chancellor’s Speech Presented during Orientation of Freshmen 2018

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