Shuzscan Cereals Storage Monitor And Tutor
Aggrey Shitsukane Shisiali
Technical University of Mombasa, P.O. Box 90420-80100 Mombasa,
Citation: KIBU International Conference (2018). Creativity and Innovation for Sustainable Development. Book of Abstracts of Kibabii University 3rd International Conference 12 – 14 June 2018. Kibabii University Main campus, Bungoma Kenya ISBN: 978-9966-59-011-5
While food deficiency remains a distress in many regions around the world, nearly one-third of total food production is discarded as loss and waste. Storage losses account for the maximum fraction of all postharvest losses for cereals in developing countries, and negatively affect the farmers’ livelihoods. With advent of information age, enormous data is produced in line with processing of grain, post-harvest loss, detection and mitigation. The rational use of these data allows us to obtain more intelligent, in-depth and valuable information. Technology interventions and improved storage structures can play a critical role in reducing postharvest losses and increase farmers’ revenue. Real time environmental alerts of humidity, temperature and pests in the storage facility can reduce losses.A Cereal stores installed with shuzskan monitors the environment, applying artificial intelligence computing algorithms to give an appropriate real time remedy to the owner for necessary action send via SMS or installed mobile application. It has Post-Harvest forum and tutorials with forum for discussions and posting of disturbing issues and tutorials on loss and waste reduction in cereal crops.
Keywords: postharvest loss; Cereals waste; Food deficiency; artificial intelligence.
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