Kibabii University 1st International Conference; June 22-24,2016

Berita Singoro.


Information communication technology (ICT) which is the integration of computer technology with data transmission is slowly being integrated in schools for the process of learning and teaching since ICT has a transformative effect on the learning and teaching in schools. It empowers students and teachers to purposefully select activities, applications and mode of communication and engage students in simulations, modeling and creative activities that promote problem- solving of challenging situations that are encountered in the learning and teaching processes. Rapid expansion in technology associated with learning and teaching is one of the most challenging processes in our society where knowledge is expanding rapidly and modern technology are demanding teachers and learners to learn how to use these technologies. This paper therefore seeks to analyze the use of ICT in transforming the learning and teaching processes in secondary school education in Kenya in which ICT integration is aimed at revolutionizing the teaching and learning in schools in order to attain the SDGs of the 21st century of digitizing the education systems. Most secondary schools in Kenya are yet to embrace the use of ICT in the teaching and learning , instead they have limited it to subject level of computer studies for selected few students due to limited resources. To step up the inclusion of ICT in the learning and teaching, the ministry of education should include it in the learning and teaching curriculum, train the teachers in the use of technologies and also supply the ICT infrastructure to schools. This will transform the learning and teachings in schools that will in turn transform education in Kenya.

Keywords: Integration, ICT use, Transformation, learning and teaching and secondary schools.

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