A Review of Mobile Social Software Awareness and Utilization

Masese .Nelson1 , Samwuel Mbugua2 , Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha3

1Kibabii University, 2 Kibabii University, 3 Muranga University College

@International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064 Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391


Social software comprises a wide range of different types of activities, The most familiar are likely to be internet discussion forums, social networking and dating sites Mobile computing technologies and social software have given new challenges to technology enhanced awareness. Simple awareness system include knowing how the given system works. The objectives of the paper include To establish the level of awareness of mobile social systems, To identify commonly used tools in mobile social systems and To establish the level of utilization of using mobile social systems. This paper reviews the awarness of mobile social softare that includes Facebook,Whattapp, Twitter and linkedIn, Instagram. Primary data was used drawn from mobile social users in Nakuru County Kenya. The sample size was 361 respondents but 345 respodents returned the feed back , both descriptive and inferential statistics was used . It is evident from the study that out of More than 53.3% of respondents use WhatApp while 31.9% use facebook ,7.8% use twitter while Linkedin has lower ratings of 7.0%. The study also reveals that most of the respodents are aware of the services they utilize the service for chatting purpose with 80% followed by Messaging with 18.6 % while research work is the last one with 11%.

Keywords: Social Software, Utilization, Mobile Computing , Technolog, awareness

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