Kibabii University 1st International Conference; June 22-24,2016

Judy J Sakwa and Wafula Robert


Pupils attitude play a significant role in determining learners keenness, seriousness and consistency in seeking guidance and counseling services. The negative mean deviation in KCPE results in Butere Sub County has not been impressive for the last five years. The purpose of this study was to establish pupils’ attitude towards guidance and counseling and its effects on performance in KCPE in public primary schools in Butere Sub- County, Kenya. The study was informed by three objectives; to identify determinants of pupil’s attitudes towards guidance and counseling and its effects on performance, to establish pupils’ attitudes towards guidance and counseling and to investigate ways of enhancing pupils’ attitudes towards guidance and counseling in public primary schools. Descriptive survey research design was used. Location of the study was in Butere sub- county, Kakamega County. The study population comprised of 75 head teachers, 75 guidance and counseling teachers and 2738 class eight pupils in all public primary schools in Butere Sub County. The study targeted all public primary schools in Butere Sub County. Simple random sampling was used to select 821 class eight pupils who had the ability to read and express their feelings. Purposive sampling was used to select 23 head teachers, 23 guidance and counseling teachers. The validity and reliability of the instruments were enhanced through pilot study and also through experts’ validation by supervisors in the department of Education psychology. Questionnaires were used to collect qualitative and quantitative data on pupils’ attitudes towards guidance and counseling. Data generated by questionnaires were analyzed by descriptive statistics using frequency distribution and valuable percentages. Qualitative data was transcribed and organized into themes, categories and sub categories as they emerged in the study. Presentation of data was through tables, pie charts and histograms. The findings of the study indicated that pupils’ attitude towards guidance and counseling affect academic performance (Positively or negatively). Based on the findings, it was recommended that: The ministry of Education and youth Affairs should fund guidance and counseling programs in primary schools to cater for seminars, training of teachers and in-service courses. The results of the study may assist pupils’ in making informed choices regarding academic performance; Help head teachers to assess, manage and implement guidance and counseling programs in their respective schools.

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