Projects’ Critical Success Factors: Empirical Study of Non-Governmental Organizations in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya
Jackson K. Rotich , Dr. Kadian Wanyonyi Wanyama , Dr. Musiega Douglas , Laura Mamuli
@International Journal of Innovative Research & Development. Vol. 3 Issue 5. ISSN 2278 – 0211
Projects remain to be universal in all entities of life, but then ironically, the poor performance of projects and the disappointment of projects appear to be a commonest scenario. Most projects failed to be delivered within the expected time frame, quality and budget. The study was aimed at investigating the projects’ critical success factorsin Uasin Gishu County. A conceptual framework guided the study and a descriptive survey design was adopted. The target population consisted of the seven project managers and 29 Field Coordinators from the seven NGOs. All the 36 respondents were used in the study, hence forming a census study. A purposive sampling technique was used to select project managers. The questionnaires and interview schedule were the instruments used for data collection. The research adopted the content validity while consistency of instruments was established through test re-test method. An alpha value of 0.797 was obtained. The data collected was analyzed through both descriptive and inferential statistics (Criticality Index and regression analysis).Results indicate that project leadership, planning, monitoring and evaluation affect positively and significantly (p<0.05) project success among NGOs. The study recommended that there is need to develop quality leadership among project managers and employees. Project plans should be accurately written and implemented to letter. Monitoring and evaluation should be reinforced in the organisations during projects management. The research findings will assist policy makers and stakeholders in the counties in enhancing successful completion of projects, taking in considerations of the critical factors that affect project success