Multi-Agent Based M-Voting System

Barasa Peter Wawire, Nambiro Alice Wechuli, Savatia Edward

Cite This Article : Barasa Peter Wawire, Nambiro Alice Wechuli, Savatia Edward “Multi-Agent Based M-Voting System ” Published in International Journal of Trend in Research and Development (IJTRD), ISSN: 2394-9333, Volume-3 | Issue-6 , December 2016, URL:

Abstract :

Multi agent based m-voting system is capable of saving time, minimizing errors in voting and making voting easier. M-voting is an emerging area with wide application in all sectors of the Economy; m- voting is given a new dimension. M-voting is considered a brand new model which is based on use of mobile phone for voting in elections. The whole of M-voting in computing technology may be viewed as distributed, complex, dynamic because it has attributes such as network, popularization, personalization and lifelong. The object oriented design methodologies have been used in solving the voting problem. The voting problem is also being approached from artificial intelligence point of view. Many questions therefore arise about M-voting. One general question is how modern artificial intelligence models can be applied to the voting problem. An open direction of inquiry into this problem is the investigation of how multi-agents can be used to solve M-Voting. In this study, we focus on design of a multi-agent systems model, where the components in the M-voting scenario are intelligent and can reactively and proactively participate in solving the voting problem. An agent oriented methodology –Prometheus- was used in the analysis and design of the multi agent based M-voting system We see the overall solution to the multi agent based M-voting system as the settlement resulting from communications and negotiations of individual agents in the M- voting process. This is a multi-agent scenario.

Keywords : M-voting ; Multi-agent System;Agent;

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