The Integration of Social Media Technologies for Teaching and Learning in Kenyan Schools
Yonah Etene1, Samuel Barasa2
1Tutorial Fellow, Department of Information Technology, Kibabii University
Bungoma, Kenya
2Tutorial Fellow, Department of Computer Science, Kibabii University
Bungoma, Kenya
@International Journal of Research in Information Technology, Volume 2, Issue 1, Jan 2018, Pg: 1-7
The internet platform has been facilitated by a huge number of interconnected network nodes hence the dire need for the rise of social networking platforms. These developments have contributed to the use of different social network technologies by everyone. Educators and learners are facing new encounters on how to leverage the positive aspects offered by the social media platforms during integration. New frameworks for developing interactions between the actors of learning processes require new ways of gaining an understanding of such processes. Today, these frameworks are technologically oriented, and their strength lies in social networking sites. Unfortunately, we are not able to fully apply this combined knowledge being generated as the members interact. This study focuses on how to ensure that the knowledge generated through social media is not lost. With the introduction of the laptop project in Kenyan primary schools, these tools can be used well in the class rooms to share knowledge among the learners in their formative stages. This can be achieved by having a framework that is able to extract, classify and store the comments from a social media account to support collaborative learning. The use of this technology if embraced in the long run can enhance learning in both secondary and primary schools.
Keywords: Social Media Technologies, Frameworks, Collaborative Learning.
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