Influence of School Based Factors on Implementation of Strategic Plans in Public Secondary Schools inkhwisero Sub-County, Kenya
Mulefu Fanice Amukowa
Citation: KIBU Conference (2017). Innovative Research and Knowledge for Global Competitiveness and Sustainable Development. Proceedings of 2nd Interdisciplinary International Scientific Conference 14 – 15 June 2017. Kibabii University Main campus, Bungoma Kenya. ISBN: 978-9966-59-011-4
Public secondary schools performance in national examinations has been deteriorating over the years as compared to private secondary schools as has been observed by a number of scholars. This has raised a lot of concerns from the stakeholders in the education sector. This study was occasioned by the continued poor performance in KCSE by most of the public secondary schools in Khwisero sub-county. The purpose of the study was to assess school based factors influencing implementation of strategic plans in public secondary schools in Khwisero sub-county. This research adopted a mixed research methodology namely exploratory research design and was based on the strategic planning theory and practice. The study utilized a sample size of 153 respondents which included 19 teachers, 38 HOD’s, 19 DOS’s, 19 Principals, 19 deputy Principals 19 BOM and 19 PTA chairpersons together with the DEO of the sub-county. Purposive sampling was used to select study respondents. The study revealed a number of school resources factors that greatly influenced implementation of strategic plans in Khwisero sub-county which included; funding from parents, skills, staff training and development, and disbursement of Free Day Secondary Education funds. On school organization structure; implementation procedures, communication of strategic decisions, mission and vision, organization support and coordination of implementation activities and involvement of implementers in the strategic process affected strategic plan implementation. On school culture it was found out that; ownership of the plan by implementers’ and managers, relations between managers and implementers’, school and the community in which it is located, clarity of the school vision and implementers’ commitment greatly influenced strategy implementation in public secondary schools in the sub-county. Rewarding and motivating strategic objective achievers, hiring of suitable employees and drawing action plans were leadership activities that influenced implementation of strategic plans in public secondary schools in Khwisero sub-county. However it was noted that scarcity of resources, limited budgetary allocation and conflicting roles among the school leadership adversely affected strategy implementation. The researcher recommended that management of schools should initiate income generating projects to supplement financial allocations from the government in order to support strategic plan implementation, Participatory organization structures in public secondary schools that support strategy implementation should be created and stakeholders in the strategy implementation process must align the strategic plan to the school culture. There is also need for school managements to embrace activities that support strategy implementation such as rewarding strategic objective achievers among others.
Key Words:School Based, Startegic Plan, Participatory, Khwisero Sub-County
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