Kennedy Ntabo Otiso and Muganda Munir

Kibabii University 1st International Conference; June 22-24,2016


Leaders are entrusted with not only to manage the organization’s affairs but also to interact with the general employees directly.They are responsible for communicating to employees the organizational goals, visions and mission. They are also responsible for maintaining and implementing organizational rules, culture and systems for enhanced efficincy. The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between leaders’ behaviour and employee service delivery among Nyamira County Government units. A total of 113 frontline employees of the 3 subcounties of Nyamira County participated in this study. Data was collected by use of a questionnaire. The validity and reliability of the research instrument was done to ascertain the suitability of the research instruments. Data collected were analyzed statistically using descriptive methods with the help of SPSS software. The correlation analysis was conducted to determine relationship between leaders’ behavior variables and employee service delivery variables. The rating of the variables of the study reveals that leaders behave in pro-subordinate manner having some weakness in pro-organizational behavior. The employee service effort was found almost perfect while the affective delivery accuses of different weakness. The inverse relationship between employee affective delivery and the leader’s anti-organizational behaviour was revealed. A significance relationship between employee service effort and pro-organizational behaviour, pro- subordinate behaviour and, anti-subordinate behaviour was also revealed.

Key words: Leader, Behaviour, Employee,Service, Influence, Service Delivery

Influence of Leaders’ Behaviour on EmployeesDownload Abstract