Influence of the Free Primary Education Policy on Pupils Arithmetic Competence, in Public Primary Schools: A Case Study of Kimilili Sub-County, Kenya
Oroni Nicolas Barasa1 and Rispah N. Wepukhulu1
Kibabii University (Bungoma –Kenya)
1Kibabii University, P.O box 1699-50200, Bungoma
This study set to explore influence of the free primary education on pupil’s Arithmetic competence in public primary schools in Kimilili-Bungoma Sub–County. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate how the teacher –pupil ratios affect pupils ,Arithmetic competence ,to determine the role of textbooks ratio on learner arithmetic competence and to find out how physical facilities affect the leaner in understanding mathematics .The study was guided by education production ,a school is considered as affirm that is to process people into desirable and productive graduates .Educational output was indicated by learners ‘Arithmetic competence in mathematics which was explained by educational input made of, teachers –pupils ratio, textbook ratio and physical facilities .The study adopted a descriptive survey research design .This is because this design is suitable for the study of behavior,attitudes,values and characteristics and will help present response put forward by pupils and teachers of mathematics.The target population comprised of standard six pupils and 24 teachers of mathematics of the 8 selected public primary schools in Kimilili-Bungoma sub-county. Stratified random sampling was used to select .The sample while random sampling was to select the 200 respondents from standard six. Data collection instruments were the questionnaire ,computation task and document analysis .Data analysis revealed that with the highinflux of pupils due to free primary education(FPE),there was a higher teacher –pupil ratio inadequency,mathematics pupils ‘textbooks and inadequate physical facilities (classrooms, chairs and desks).These inadequancy,had resulted into ineffective teaching of mathematics ,marking and a follow-up of pupil in the public primary schools, lowering the mastery of the pupils computation skills in mathematics. In the light of these findings was recommended that the government increases its funds so that more textbooks are purchased, employs more teachers and in partnership with the community constructs more classrooms in primary schools. Also teachers should be in serviced regularly, inspected frequently, usea variety of teaching method, specialize in the teaching of mathematics and be role models and on the other hand, the pupils should do a lot of practice inmathematics.
Key Words: PrimaryEducation, ArithmeticCompetence, FreeEducation, Pupils, Teaching
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