Subscribed E-resources
Kibabii University Library subscribes to peer reviewed full text electronic journals to support teaching, learning and research activities of the University. The available electronic databases cover all subject areas. The major databases and their subject coverage are summarized as below. Kindly access the websites for more information.
Economics, Education, Humanities, Law, Life and Physical Sciences, Social Sciences
Robotics & Control Systems, Computing & Processing, Networking & Broadcasting, Signal Processing & Analysis, Photonics & Electro-Optics, Aerospace
Titles cover biological and physical sciences, and include Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, the longest-running continuously published journal in the world.
Academic Search Premier; Business Source Premier; ERIC; Masterfile Premier; Newspaper Source; Health Source : Nursing & Academic; Health Source : Consumer Edition;
Science, technology and medicine
Architecture and Design,Arts, Chemistry, Computer Sciences, Cultural Studies, Economics, Engineering, Geosciences, History, Industrial Chemistry, Law, Library and Information Science, Book Studies, Life Sciences, Mathematics, Medicine,
Industrial Engineering, electronic communication, theoretical studies
Computer and Engineering
Taylor & Francis e-books
Biomedicine and Life sciences, Clinical Medicine, Physics, Engineering, Mathematics, Computer Sciences, Human Sciences, Social Sciences and Economics