a) Title: African Journal of Education and Social Sciences.
b) Purpose
Journal of Education and Social Sciences (AJESS) is peer reviewed and multidisciplinary in nature and seeks to publish original research and academic scholarship that contributes to the growth of knowledge in Education and extended fields of social science. AJESS is a quarterly publication. In exceptional cases, special edition may be done once in a year.
c) Audience
? Educators and researchers
? Professionals in community
? Government agencies/ policymakers
? Citizens with a passion for education and social science
d) Scope:
AJESS provides a forum for the sharing of the wide ranging and independent latest theories, applications, and services related to planning, developing, managing, using, and evaluating of education and social sciences. It covers the following aspects among others:
? Administration & policy in education
? Curriculum, instruction & assessment
? Global & comparative education
? Higher education
? Multicultural education
? Technology & E-learning
? Vocational education & training
? Humanities
? Sociology, Gender studies & social justice
? Social change & policy.
? Race & ethnic studies
? Crime & law
? Culture, ethics and religion
? Knowledge, information, media, & Communication
? Work, economy & organizations
o Community development
e) Type of Research Papers
? Original research
? Research reviews
? Policy analysis
? Comments and rejoinders
? Book review
(f) Chief Editor
Dr. Jotham M. Wasike
(g)Editorial Board:
1. Dr. Ben Nyongesa
2. Mr. Zakayo Amayi
3. Ms. Irene Wanjala
(h)Advisory Board
1. Prof. Solomon Shibairo
2. Prof. Jackson Too
3. Dr. Rispah Namasaka
(i)Technical Team
1) Designer : Mr. Okiyai Otieng’
2) Printer : Mr. Raedon Nandwa.
3) Secretariat: : Ms. Irene Wakhungu
(j) Guideline for Submission of Manuscript by Authors
Layout of the Manuscript
? Title : Within 2 lines
? Abstract : Within 300 words
? Introduction
? Review of related literature
? Research Design and Methodology
? Data Analysis
? Discussion of Findings
? Recommendations/ Way forward
? Conclusions
Other format parameters will include
1. Language: English
2. Words: Within 6000
3. Keywords: Maximum of eight (8)
4. Headings & sub-headings: Should be numbered like 1, 2 (then 1.1, 1.1.1) etc.
5. Tables and figures: Numbered with description and source below their body
6. Author details: Name, designation, organization, address, email and contact no of all
Co-authors in hierarchical order as appeared in final publication.
7. References: Should be in APA style and arranged in alphabetical sequence
8. File format: Word Document
9. Page layout: Normal margin, Letter page size, Portrait, One column
10. Font type & size: Times New Roman, 12(paragraph), 14 bold (1st level heading), 12 bold (2nd level heading), 11 bold (3rd level heading), 11 italics (4th level heading).
11. Paragraph: (Line spacing 1.5 lines), Justify alignment
Publication Mode: Online Full text & Print.
Articles per Issue: 10
Pages for the Journal: 100- 120 pages
(k) Steps in Submission of Research Papers
These are the steps to be followed by authors during submission of research paper. 1. Before submission: Please ensure you have read the authors guidelines and journal’s policy for publication. The research paper should adhere to publication guidelines and standard paper layout. 2. During submission: The corresponding author submits research paper on behalf of co-authors and handles all correspondence. The research paper should be submitted online. 3. After submission: After successful submission a confirmation message will be send to the corresponding author via email.
(l) Publication Process
The three step simple publication process ensures rapid publication of research papers and author satisfaction.
1. Preliminary checking: In this stage the paper is judged based on following criteria: suitability of the research topic, appropriate content and images, layout of research paper and co-author details. At this stage the journal editor assigns any of the following status to research paper:
i. Accepted – Forwarded to journal editors
ii. Rejected – Rejection email sent to author
2. Editorial decision: In this stage the chief editor sends research paper to a qualified reviewer. The editors comments will be:
Accept – Accept in totality
Modify – Modification (minor or major) author notified.
Reject – Rejection email sent to author
The editorial team will evaluate the comments of the reviewer either to adopt, modify or reject.
The decision of the editorial team is final.
3. Article publication: An accepted document is forwarded for editing, proofreading and publication. External author may be required to make some payments for publishing.
(m)Publication guidelines
The following is a summary of our publication guidelines to be adhered by author while submitting the research paper
1. Granting of License: Authors provide the journal a non-exclusive license of their manuscript to publish
2. Originality of manuscript: The manuscript is an original creation of authors and it is not published anywhere earlier.
3. Not duplicate submission: The research paper is not under consideration for review or publication in any other journal.
4. Lawful content: The research paper is free from any unlawful and libelous material that could cause harm to any individual or society.
5. Academic integrity: Author ensures integrity of the manuscript and follows ethical principles of scientific publishing.
6. Co-author: Author ensures confirmation from co-authors before mentioning their name in research paper and all authors have approved the final manuscript.
7. Plagiarism free: Author ensures all references are properly cited and credit given to the original authors 8. Information authenticity: Author ensures scientific knowledge, historical data, figures and all other statements conform to true facts.
9. Author contribution: Author ensures all co-authors participated in a substantive way in the research work and are prepared to take public responsibility for the work.
10. Free distribution: Author permits adaptation, preparation of derivative works, oral presentation or distribution, and commercial application of their published paper.
11. All research papers submitted for publication are checked with plagiarism detection software to verify its originality and find similarity percent of research paper. The research papers failing to satisfy mentioned criteria are sent back to the author(s) for modification.
Pricing: Ksh 1000/= (East Africa) Outside East Africa: $20
Subscription: Annual subscriptions allowed.
Contact Address
Chief Editor
Kibabii University
African Journal of Education and Social Sciences (AJESS)
P.O Box 1699-50200
Bungoma, Kenya
Tel: 020-2028660/0708085934
Email: AJESS@kibu.ac.ke
AAJESS Copyright Statement
Unless otherwise stated all content within the journal will be the property of Kibabii University. They are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. All rights are reserved and users must seek our permission before making any other use of material contained in this site. Any requests for permission to reproduce, distribute, display or make derivative content from this site should be directed to AJESS@kibu.ac.ke
The AJESS is a publication of the Faculty of Education and Social Sciences, Kibabii University, Kenya. The Publication is in English. In the event that an alternative language is used, the journal shall provide a translated version of the article.
Copyright © KIBU Publications.
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