Extent to Which Project Planning Affects Successful Completion of Capital Projects in Kakamega County, Kenya

Marango Morris, Kadian W. Wanyonyi*, Musiega Douglas and James Wambua Nganda

Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya

*Corresponding Author: Kadian W. Wanyonyi; Email:

@Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and Management 2014; 1(4):126-134


This study looked at the extent to which project planning affects successful completion of capital projects in Kakamega County. A conceptual framework guided the study to show the interactions of the study variables. The study was guided by Ex-post Facto research design. The study targeted six Sub-County administrators, five project managers (engineers), six social services staff and four works officers who were directly involved in devolved funding. The research instruments were the questionnaires and interview schedules. The validity of the research instruments was done through presenting the instruments to the supervisors and the research experts in the School of Human Resource Development. The researcher used a Cronbach’s Alpha method to obtain an alpha of 0.807 which was acceptable implying that the instruments were reliable. The researcher then analysed the data using descriptive and inferential statistical tools like Pearson Correlation Coefficient and regression analysis. The study findings were: the overall results between project planning and completion of capital projects, illustrate a strong positive association. Results indicate that 65.7 % of the implementation of capital projects can be attributed to project planning. This also meant that 34.3% of the capital projects in Kakamega County were not completed (stalled projects). The study recommended adequate project planning, monitoring and control should be enhanced in organisations during project management. Moreover, Project Management Offices should be established across all the government institutions with aim of managing, monitoring and controlling the projects embarked by their institution. This will enhance efficient and effective completion of capital projects.

 Keywords: Project Planning, Successful Completion and Capital Projects

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