E-learning Transforming Economies

1Barasa Wawire Peter, 2Owoche Patrick and 3Nambiro Alice Wechuli,

1Department Computer Science, Kibabii University, Bungoma, Kenya

2,3Department Information Technology, Kibabii University, Bungoma, Kenya

@International Journal of Trend in Research and Development, Volume 3(6), ISSN: 2394-9333, IJTRD | Nov-Dec 2016


As E-learning technology has quickly evolved into more sophisticated forms, it is opening the options for educators and business professionals to expand learning opportunities and transform economies globally. The ability to transform economies from low income, to more vibrant growing economies which can generate employment and growing incomes to citizens generally, has been described as economic development. It is recognized that „Human Capital, ? a term attributed to economist Theodore Schultz, is a reflection on the human capacities. Schultz believed human capital was like any form of capital. It could be invested in through education, training and enhanced benefits that would lead to an improvement on the quality and level of production. In this paper the authors make a case of how a nation?s education system that is E-learning relates to its economic performance

Keywords—E-learning; economies;human capital;

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