Morphological Characteristics of Two Strains of Helmeted Guinea Fowl (Numidameleagris) in Bungoma County


Anthony Wekesa1*, B.M. Mukasa1 and F.N. Lusweti1

1Animal production KALRO Kitale



Three hundred and twenty four eggs for the Pearl and White guinea fowl genotypes were purchased from farmers in Kimaeti, Kanduyi and Webuye regions of Bungoma County.  Nine guinea fowl farmers were selected from each region and given twelve eggs; six pearl and six white. The eggs were incubated and hatched by the indigenous chicken hens. The data for keets was taken on first day, followed by 4th , 8th, 12th and 16th weeks for body weight9(g), body girth  (cm), Body Length (cm), Shank Length (cm), Neck Length (cm) and Wing Length ((cm). The White genotype had superior body weight and girth than the Pearl at hatching until the 4th week. However, the Pearl overtook the White from the 8th week up to the end of the experiment. The body, neck and the Shank lengths did show any significant differences between the genotype.  Kimaeti showed better body weights for both genotypes than Kanduyi and Webuye regions because of better availability of feed resources. The Pearl had better mature weight than the White genotype.


Key Words: Guinea fowl, Keets, Pearl, White, morphology and genotypes

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